Noel Claudio

Department: Top 30 List 2023
Experience: Program Manager

Personal Information:

“As a first-generation latino in tech, my goal is to continue to prove and educate our future leaders that we are capable of succeeding at the highest level. I am also thankful for the sacrifices of my parents and ancestors to get me to this point today. I will continue to be an advocate, change agent, and leader within our community. We all belong in tech and don’t ever forget that!”

Noel Claudio is a first-generation latino from Puerto Rico & Dominican Republic. He was raised in Philadelphia and received his degree in Information Sciences and Technology from the Pennsylvania State University in 2014. Since graduating, Noel has spent the past 9 years promoting careers in tech, program, project management and consulting. In 2023, he launched his own initiative called ExcelWithNoel, a multitude of services aimed at teaching the fundamentals of program & project management to career transitioners.

Noel is currently a Program Manager at TikTok and a board member of TikTok’s Latin Employee Resource Group (SOMOS). He believes that ERGs are a tremendous resource to employees and community partners by bringing together an extended family within the Latine, Latinx, Latino, and/or Hispanic communities. Previously, Noel served as the San Francisco Office Lead and Global Events chair for Twitter’s Latin Employee Resource Group (Alas). He has also been involved in ERGs at Deloitte Consulting and Slalom.

Awards and Achievements: In 2022, Noel received the Pennsylvania State University Alumni Achievement Award which recognizes alumni 35 years of age and younger for their extraordinary professional accomplishments. In 2021, Noel was a 40 under 40 Honoree by Al DÍA News for his impact in the Philadelphia latino community.